the show must go on!


because of you, i was able to encounter something this fun

• emil
• 20+
• he/him
• primarily usa, EST
• english speaker, rarely FRN/JPN
• fluff is not just a state of being. it is a lifestyle,
i'm pretty inactive, but in my free time i write. i'm also an amateur translator!


even when you’re apart, you’re connected

i'm fairly multifandom, but i tend to gravitate towards gacha games. some examples of that include granblue fantasy, touken ranbu, and a3. i'm a spring troupe fan, but i am currently not up to date with acts 11 and 12.• i generally do not tag spoilers unless you ask me to.
• i'm safe for work, but you may see a nsfw joke if i reply to a friend. i try to tag, but minors should take note.

please don't follow me if you fit the following criteria. if you don't agree with me, the block button is free.i don't want to see content related to incest, abuse, age gap ships﹡ or minors in sexual content. this also applies to fiction.
i curate my online experience freely and encourage others to do the same. it's not personal if i block you.
• i also don't want to engage with you if you engage in any form of aro/ace discourse, no matter what side you're on.
it's unlikely that i'll follow you back unless i know you or we have a friend in common.

﹡for reference for how i define terms like "age gap", or any other term, you are free to send a DM.


because we have ideals and fixations

• ao3: astrogenus
general ao3 usage disclaimer
4swu zine, 2020
• a3! stage:
VS Otona


think of the spring that will soon come

i like the following series!• a3!
• granblue fantasy
• kirby
• ace attorney (including dgs!)
• mahotsukai no yakusoku
• blue lock
• star wars
• your turn to die
i also enjoy tcg anime, sentai, fictional crime dramas, cooking shows, and shoujo manga.


general ao3 disclaimerI do not support the types of morally dubious content usually seen on this site, up to and including dubcon and incest. I elect to ignore and block these types of people with the use of filters and such, but the fact remains that ao3 is so far, the only site that gains traction for potential readership.I do not have thousands of dollars to spend nor do I have the extensive coding experience to make a site of my own. I do not have the time, energy, or luck to amass a giant readership on my own merit. So I will be using this site as my own writing platform to share with the world if I so choose. Should you disagree with me, the solution is simple: close the tab and move on with your life. The world is too large and too busy to argue with or send hate mail to people you disagree with.